What does my Google PageSpeed score mean?

Your PageSpeed score is the simplest way to determine overall performance. Google calculates it based on the other criteria we also include on our free report. PageSpeed Scores are categorized based on a 100 point scale split into the following ranks:

0 - 49

50 - 89
Needs Improvement

90 - 100


While our target is always to get your Website within the 90-100 point range, this is not always possible. Any Website features relating to your theme or plugins can slow the site down. Sometimes we find that necessary third-party marketing tools, such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel can prevent scores from getting this high. This doesn’t mean you should disable these features. By making the rest of your Website faster, you can still use these tools without hurting your user’s experience.

Want to know how Google ranks your Website speed? Try our free and automated Website Analysis tool powered by Google PageSpeed Insights. We make Google’s data about your site easy to understand.

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For detailed technical information regarding the calculation of your site's PageSpeed Score, see Google's official documentation: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/v5/about#score