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Attention: Website Designers, Developers, and Marketers!

Looking for reliable and high-performance website hosting support that you can offer to your own clients?

The Internet Engineers at Axim Solutions offer white-label managed website hosting solutions that let you offer a customized, reliable, and truly high-performance experience to your clients without any of the technological headache.

We do more than just host websites. Much more.

Regular hosting providers are like parking garages for websites. Axim Solutions is different. We will park your site, but we also detail, polish and keep things running smooth under the hood. Host with Axim Solutions and you will even get your own dedicated pit crew!

Other providers offer "one size fits all" solutions. But our Internet Engineers are personally invested in making sure that all of the sites we host load quickly and perform great across all platforms. We run a weekly report to ensure that load times do not slip.

Hosting with Axim Solutions means that you will get all the web technology necessary to support your client's needs, from performance optimization and continuous monitoring to automated backups, SSL certificates, and unlimited traffic. This enables you to increase the impact of your website design and marketing services.

Below are a few of the key features we offer with our white-label services.

Weekly Updates and Performance Reviews

How do we keep your client's sites constantly running fast and up-to date?

When we begin hosting a website, we run a performance analysis and calculate a performance score for the site. Once a week, a dedicated and trained Internet Engineer will test every website we host. We will install available updates to WordPress and all plugins as necessary. We also check to make sure the updates don't negatively impact your performance.

At the end of the weekly review, we run a performance analysis and log the score. We track this score over time, and take steps if we see the score dip. That way, we proactively ensure that the website in our charge is always operating at peak performance.

On-Going Optimization

We understand that your website needs to stay optimized. Whenever Google changes their policies or recommendations, we proactively do what is needed to keep your site running fast and ranking high.

Localized Web Servers

We lease servers through Amazon’s Web Services (AWS) at their server farms. We choose a server farm that is localized to your area. That way, our localized and optimized web service typically responds as fast or faster than leading CDN services like CloudFlare. A number of our clients saved money by abandoning their CDN providers when they found our services to be faster without them.

We also offer the ability to dynamically switch between server locations. If your client’s website gets high traffic on the East Coast during the morning hours and on the West Coast during the evening, we can host parallel servers, one on each coast. And we would dynamically switch from the east to the west as traffic patterns change. We offer this setup worldwide.

Hacker Resistant Architecture

Our servers are built to protect against Distributed Denial of Service attacks, brute-force attacks, and thousands of other attempts to break your websites. We set up leading security software that monitors key risk areas in WordPress in real-time.

Automatic Encrypted Backups

We provide and configure premium backup software at no cost to you. We also store redundant backups off-site so that your data is always safe and secure.

Managed Platform Updates

While your clients enjoy the benefits of a fully-customized cloud server, we maintain all the back-end software and hardware systems so that you never have to stress about the complicated stuff.

Free SSL Certificates

Say goodbye to "not secure" warnings AND pesky fees forever! Every WordPress site we host is fully-encrypted with an SSL certificate. Our weekly monitoring plan includes SSL Certificates at no extra cost.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Unlike other hosting providers, we don't cap real traffic to your site. Our servers run just as fast all month. You won't get cut off or charged extra for receiving a lot of traffic.

Plenty of Storage

Our plan starts out with 40GB of server storage, which is more than sufficient for pages, galleries, backups and data for typical WordPress sites. We can provide additional storage as needed up to 20TB.

*Additional costs may apply for larger storage volumes.

Customizable PHP Version (7.0 to 8.1 and higher)

Have any special server software requirements? We'll customize your server software if your existing theme or plugins require a specific version of PHP.

Fast + Reliable Support

We pride ourselves on availability and quick action. Got a problem or a question? We will respond within 4 hours and can usually resolve issues within 48 hours. From minor errors to major emergencies, we’ll work fast to get you back on track!

White-Glove On-Boarding

We will move existing websites to our platform for you. Just send us the DNS credentials, and we will take care of everything else.

Need reliable and truly high-performance hosting?

Schedule a conference call with The Internet Engineers at Axim Solutions! We'll take the time to understand your goals and determine if we're the right fit for your company.

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